Meet Our Team
The Write Words was established in 2012 when our Chief Word Herder & Director, Rowena O’Byrne-Bowland, decided to formalise her freelance writing career.
We’ve grown from when Rowena first started out, branching into strategy and expanding what we do into a vast range of writing and editing projects.

Rowena O’Byrne-Bowland
Chief Word Herder
Rowena has had a passion for writing since she was old enough to hold a crayon and pen stories for her toys. In fact, she loves writing so much that she’s got a bit of a reputation for her birthday card essays!
This passion underpins Rowena’s business ethos. Known for her attention to detail (read: perfectionism), Rowena really enjoys getting to know her clients so she can best replicate their tone through her writing.
With over 10 years of industry experience, Rowena regularly guest lectures at her alma mater, Curtin University.
She also sits on the Board of Edmund Rice Camps WA, a charity that provides respite and confidence-building programs for disadvantaged children and development opportunities for young leaders.

Chief Relaxation Officer
A kelpie x blue heeler, Charlie takes her job very seriously. In fact, she’s so good at being Chief Relaxation Officer that she can do it while snoozing under Rowena’s desk.
Armed with a goofy grin, Charlie will selflessly offer herself for soothing pats for anyone who needs to de-stress… Not that she gets anything out of it.
Charlie also encourages Rowena’s work-life balance by strategically placing herself in the doorway whenever there’s park play to be had or it’s a reasonable time – in her humble opinion – to go home.
Occasionally, Charlie provides comic relief for the office in the form of her go-to parlour trick: snoring like a roaring lion.

Word Nerds
The Write Words has a team of Word Nerds that we draw on for projects, as needed. No matter who’s working on your project, though, it will always have our Chief Word Herder’s seal of approval before it goes to you.